Posted: December 16th, 2022
1000 words essay mla format
Paper Option #1 Topic: Write a short, brief essay describing how the Treaty of Versailles, which brought about the end of World War I, actually contributed to the outbreak of World War II. Included in your essay should be a discussion of the alliances that were formed before WWI that lead to the war, and how similar alliances—wanting very much to avoid a repeat—ironically failed to prevent WWII. Requirements:1) You must write a minimum of 1000 words, but that is only a required minimum. Excellent papers will likely exceed that requirement. That said, do not think of this as a major research paper. Do a thorough job, but be concise and to the point—1200-1500 words is a good upper limit suggestion. 2) You may use the textbook as a source, but do not limit yourself to the textbook; I expect you to do some research outside of the text.3) Don’t plagiarize! Plagiarism is defined as taking someone else’s words, ideas or arguments, incorporating them into your paper (that does not mean they need be taken word for word) and passing them off as your own writing. Here’s the simple rule: If you get some idea from any source, be it a book, website, online lecture, or magazine, CITE THE SOURCE YOU GOT IT FROM. If you are unsure, err on the side of citation. Plagiarizing will mean a zero for the paper, and ignorance of what is plagiarism is no excuse.4) For all outside sources you use, you must properly cite your sources (I don’t care what format you use).5) Your paper must be typed and double-spaced (all academic documents are double spaced), and I will be taking points off for writing errors (i.e., spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.).6) Include the word count somewhere on the paper.