Posted: February 21st, 2023
1 Page Summarizing Work – For Essays Guru
Summary of Scholarly Article assignment requirements and information
Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to practice the art of summarizing a longer work (article, book, etc.).
Subject “Wikipedia as Public Scholarship: Communication Our Impact Online” by Elizabeth K. Rush & Sarah J. Tracy.
Format One to two paragraphs in essay form.
Put the complete and correct MLA citation of this article for a Works Cited page at the top of the page.
TAKE NOTE More than 4 errors in the fundamentals of writing (grammar, punctuation, word usage, and mechanics) will result in 0 as a grade. I will mark the first 5 errors that I notice with the teardrop shape. You may RESUBMIT your essay as many times as you need to eliminate basic errors.
Length No more than one to two typed paragraphs, double spaced.
[Note: Do not put your name on the paper, course information, date. That information shows up on Canvas. Just start the essay with the first line.]
Submit Online
Points 25 points
Further explanation about the assignment
Summarizing an essay or article demonstrates the depth of your understanding of that work and makes the process of using that work in your writings much easier. Ideally, you use very little of the language of the original article in your summary. While it is tempting to quote sections of the article wholesale, your goal is to synthesize the article in your own words. (Synthesizing is one of the highest order thinking activities, which a reason why this assignment can be more difficult than the previous analysis; but also can be rewarding.) Try to write the summary using your own words and sentences as much as possible. While some terms of art are necessary because you are summarizing another’s work, you want to minimize the similarities in language between your summary and the original article. Try to quote only those portions of the original article that you expect to use in your paper.
The provided article involves research and commentary about Wikipedia, which means you could use this article in your paper on Wikipedia. This technique is useful when doing research, particularly a large research project, when you write the summary immediately after reading the article. (A large collection of such summaries is an annotated bibliography.) During the writing process, you then often refer to your summary of the article instead of rereading the entire article.
This summary should include the following information:
• The correct citation for the article per MLA (That citation is then made part of your works cited page.)
• The article’s thesis
• A description of how the authors develop the thesis (usually by discussing the concepts or arguments used to develop that thesis)
• A discussion of how you potentially could use the article for your Wikipedia paper
Important information
As I have mentioned before, refer to the authors of the article by their names or by the designation “authors” when referring to what is stated in the article. Authors state, argue, posit, and contend; an article is the tool by which they do it.The first time you mention the authors by name, you state their first and last name. Thereafter, you can refer to them by their last names (Rush and Tracy).
Purpose of this assignment
This assignment is the first step in writing an annotated bibliography, which is required for your final paper. Practicing summarizing an article and receiving feedback on that summary should help you produce a stronger annotated bibliography.