Posted: February 13th, 2022
1 page outline based off article
Read entire article APA, Meet Google: Graduate students’ approaches to learning citation style ByNancy Van Note Chismand Shrinika Weerakoon. (Article is attached) Along with previous work, you’re to revise my work (Read Instructor’s Comment
INSTRUCTOR’S COMMENT: you did a fairly good job of revising the three paragraphs ,and adding your own evaluation of the article’s main points by including at least 1–2 sentences to each paragraph, detailing your analysis of each main point, although your analysis is a bit underdeveloped
Directions from the beginning to end… It’s 3 main Points, so it should 3 different paragraphs
1st Select three related main points from the journal article (excluding the Abstract), and directly quote them.
2nd Paraphrase the three directly-quoted main points of the journal article you selected. Your paraphrases should combine to form 1 paragraph.
3rd STRUCTURE AND TRANSITION To do so, separate each main point into its own paragraph. Add a topic sentence (the M in the MEAL plan), and add 2–3 sentences per paraphrased main point to create connection between the ideas.
Revise the three paragraphs, adding your own evaluation of the article’s main points. In the MEAL plan, this portion is referred to as the A section, or analysis, and is often the most difficult portion to include.
Add 1–2 sentences to each paragraph, detailing your analysis of each main point.
However, you should not use any other sources beyond your chosen article.
Revise the three paragraphs from the Week 6 Assignment again, ensuring you have completed a full and careful proofreading of your 1- to 2-page evaluative narrative. Make certain to submit a clean copy of your work without any track changes or comments by either yourself or your Instructor.