Posted: July 20th, 2022
1.Assume that you have been hired as a compensation manager
1.Assume that you have been hired as a compensation manager in a software company located in a small town in Manitoba. The company wants to overhaul their compe nsation system as they believe their current system is dated and inflexible. How would you go about this task? Make sure to discuss what factors you would take into consideration and what steps you would undertake to develop a compensation system. 2. You’re a Canadian HR manager of Fairmont hotels and you’re in charge of setting up personnel in a new hotel in Jamaica. Your primary current task is to recruit and select employees for that hotel and to have everything running smoothly in a month. What are the issues that you will have to deal with in terms of recruiting and selecting employees for a hotel in Jamaica? Discuss all relevant factors and how you may approach those issues and still meet your deadline of one month (which is short).